Archive | April 2012

A tale of two mitties

Once upon a time and a Bible written by a bunch of white men

god jehovawitz created a bunch of human beings he hated and deemed only worthy of being smited… (smit?) (smut?) (smutz?)

so he persecuted all but the unborn who he deemed holey in his image (not yet human beings, see above), eggs come before chickens and are therefore better than chickens, except when chickens cross the road first

and sent his only son jeesus (who was really god in disguise) to earth to teach those human beings a lesson about fooling around with women aka sluts like Mary Magdalene and Eve

and told the little fetuses that it it is better to hate gay people and women and aliens and people with funny religions who worship other smaller gods.

Mormons, who marry many sluts and worship money and power and are greedy, are the exception and should GO FOR their reward on earth rather than wait for heaven to arrive… because driving several Cadillacs with their own elevators with dogs on the roof is better than riding a camel through heaven (everyone knows that cows belong in heaven not camels because camels have a hump on their back and god does not condone humping)

so it was with great joy and anguish that god said unto his chosen folks of the right religions (Christian, Mormon and Catholic), blame the poor, needy, middle class and war against women but tell the masses that you are doing the opposite so that they will believe you and vote for you and everyone on earth can go straight to hell in a basket

and ye of little faith, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, truth and love, GO FIRST into the Fire and pretend god will save you (which he will) but he will laugh his ass off as the others jump in. And for that sacrifice, you will be rewarded with a bunch of virgins and Cayman Island accounts full.

Flash forward to 2012 when the Wrath of god is upon us because we did not learn anything

Mostly, some of us think Christianity in America has gone barking-mad insane.

What’s the difference between a fetus, a corporation, and a woman?

The first two are considered people by the GOP.


Ann Romney has multiple sclerosis & had breast cancer SO WHAT have the Romneys DONE for SICK mothers who do NOT have the resources they do?  zip 0 nothing…

Mitt Romney said, without hesitation, that one of the first acts as president is “getting rid of Planned Parenthood” that serves millions of women with cancer screenings, contraception, and family planning, among others. He supported the Blunt amendment giving employers medical rights over women’s healthcare issues, and said he wants women to have dignity of working at the same time he fawns over his wife because she had the luxury to stay home and raise children. In Romney’s budget, poor and middle class women face massive cuts to programs that provide healthcare and food assistance for their children while the wealthy receive greater tax cuts. It is too late for Romney to “get the women” to support any Republican much less a wealthy elitist who promises to escalate the war on women if he is elected.

GOP’s imaginary war on women

Women have spent the past year watching Republicans redefine rape, vote for gender pay inequality, restrict their access to cancer screenings and contraception, and give employers the right to deny healthcare if it went against their religious beliefs

Virginia is now the 8th state with forced ultrasounds before abortion, along with AL, AZ, FL, KS, LA, MS, and TX.

NC has passed a forced ultrasound law similar to TX’s but NC’s law is currently unenforceable pending a court decision.

The Iowa Republican said the most important work is “raising children right,” and part of that means that “they get the message to be self-reliant, not to rely on the government, but to be self-reliant as Ann and Mitt Romney’s five sons are.”

Romney’s self reliant sons received $100 million dollars from their father.

The problem, as Ann Romney is demonstrating, is simple: the fiscal conservative agenda of austerity that seeks to reward the investor class above all others is fundamentally incompatible with the social conservative agenda that promotes the idea of having a bunch of children and making sure that parents have time and money to care for them and allow them to succeed in life.


so womens UP and Vote against the GOP !!!

money and mommies: paychecks matter

There has been a clash of ideologies called the Mommy Wars between stay at home moms and working women all over the media and social media. ALL women are working, for pay or not is the elephant in the room, oft not stated. Ann Romney has many perks including staff to help with her duties as a stay at home mom. She does not receive a traditional paycheck. But lives a life of privilege most American women and mothers do not. It is disingenious for the Romneys to pretend that she is a typical stay at home mom. She is not.

What is also missing from the conversation in most of the media,liberal and conservative, is a discussion about the economic realities of women, both stay at home moms and working outside the home women. The two articles below give excellent facts, figures and info about how important women’s work is to our economy. And how women’s reproductive freedom factors into the mix. Without a woman being able to determine her own destiny and control her own body, there is NO choice NO freedom. And this impacts everyone.

If the GOP think being a mother is hard work, then why do they not want to pay mothers (some think equal pay is even a nuisance and should be repealed)…
“United States is the only remaining industrialized nation that doesn’t require at least some employers to offer a paid maternity leave.”

for all too many families, if mom didn’t bring home the bacon, there wouldn’t be any food on the table.


“Why do women who contribute by producing the whole workforce have to plead for maternity leave that would allow them to recuperate from childbirth, get to know their children and their children to know them, and feed babies the best possible food?

Why are such basic and humane demands so controversial?”

Double standard? Romney wants poor mothers to work outside home, yet his own wife stayed home and never worked outside home (see below). Welfare to work has NOT worked, too much bureaucracy has caused mothers to do whatever it takes to feed  their kids including steal and stay with abusers

“The fact that the welfare rolls have risen less than 10 percent since December 2007 while food stamp use has soared by 40 percent—an amazing one in eight Americans now uses them—suggests that welfare isn’t reaching poor families: either women who apply are being turned away, or the programs are so minimal, or so onerous, that people aren’t signing up. How do they manage? Sharon Hays, author of Flat Broke With Children: Women in the Age of Welfare Reform, writes in an e-mail, “They get by in the same way the poor of New Orleans and Haiti are getting by, by cobbling together every available source of aid and support, and then trying to learn how to adjust to constant suffering and insecurity. Increasing rates of domestic violence are just one hidden story here.” And what about women who have reached their state’s time limit—two years, three years, five years—and can’t get welfare for the rest of their lives? Jane Collins, the author, with Victoria Mayer, of Both Hands Tied: Welfare Reform and the Race to the Bottom of the Low-Wage Labor Market, writes, “In Wisconsin, most people who have used up their time limits are simply out of luck.”

“Let’s pretend that Ann Romney is, like the 143 million other women in the country, not the wife of a multimillionaire Mormon Bishop and talk about her unpaid work as a stay-at-home mom. According to the Wall Street Journal, an average housewife would make $138,095 if she were paid for her labor (that is what she would have to pay someone else). Ann Romney is not your average housewife, but, let’s go with it. Ann Romney’s lost wages for 30 years of providing 24 hour unpaid childcare for her husband, running a household, nursing sick children, being a chauffeur, food shopping, cooking, being executive assistant to six boys and men and other assorted duties is $4,142,850. She also did this, graciously, while struggling with major illness. Ann Romney, like all “non-working” mothers, is not financially compensated for her labor. (She is however, also like other married women who work, taxed for her efforts.)…

“…INCREASED ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. Women’s ability to plan and manage their pregnancies — with or without men — spurs economic growth. This is true all over the world. Countries with high gender equity indices usually have stronger economies because they understand the value of the human capital that women represent. As noted here, “In mature economies, attitudes toward gender equality and the actual possibilities for combining parenthood with gainful employment are decisive. Countries governed by traditional male-dominant attitudes run the risk of long-term economic stagnation.”

More than 50 percent of children born to women under 30 are born to single mothers.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, mothers works fewer hours, have to work part time more and cannot take on overtime.

Fully 55 percent of stay at home moms would like to work, for pay, out of the home.

“…The majority of men supporting children “by themselves” are in married relationships and have a spouse working to care for the children which adds tens of thousands of unearned income to the household. The majority of women supporting children by themselves are single and have no one contributing unearned income to the household, providing free childcare, and other types of stay-at-home services. However, the women are making only .77 cents to each $1 a man earns. They can’t afford to hire it either. Tell me again who needs to be making more to support their families – the men or the women?”

‎”The United States is one of only four countries in the world that doesn’t ensure new mothers can afford to stay home even for the briefest of times after they have a baby. Not surprisingly, millions of American mothers who’ve given birth go back to work before the six weeks needed just for healing. The majority of new mothers return before 12 weeks.”

“IF Mrs. Romney does move into the White House next January, she will be the only First Lady born in the 20th century to have “never worked a day” in her life, as Rosen perhaps clumsily put it.The last unemployed first lady was Mamie Eisenhower, born in 1896 and married to Ike at 19—the same age Ann was when she married Mitt. That makes Mrs. Romney as dubious an expert on the economic concerns of women as Mamie, an Army wife who moved 28 times, lived in a hotel during World War II, and played canasta and the electric organ.”

GOP’s dirty little secrets

The GOP don’t hate women… they just do not like sex.  it should be called the GOP #waronsex

did God create sex and women? oh yeah, they are obsessed with other people’s sins, so much for casting out those boulders in your own eyes before casting stones at others, hmmm, maybe if they spent half the time, energy and money on their OWN sins but what the heck… the truth is much stranger than fiction…

“…when one compares sexual attitudes in the United States to sexual attitudes in Western Europe, it becomes evident that there is a strong correlation between social conservatism and higher rates of teen pregnancy, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases…”

the GOP are just plain anti-sex… check out the links below if you don’t believe me…

(and remember how the GOP got elected because they were going to create JOBS???)

Instead they created 944 proposals limiting women’s rights in 2012. a DOZEN A DAY.

What female voters have learned from the recent debacles over contraception coverage and Planned Parenthood’s funding is not just that Republicans have serious problems with female sexuality, but also that they don’t care if women have economically stable lives with affordable health care. We can make the leap from there to realizing they probably don’t care if we have good jobs, either.

the GOP oppose:

women’s rights

gay marriage

birth control


the GOP are all for the the sanctity of PRE-born human life but once the fetus becomes an actual person, well, that is another story altogether… they let babies and children and mothers starve, because once the fetus is BORN they have NO value nor rights nor sanctity????

Arizona lawmakers gave final passage to three anti-abortion bills Tuesday afternoon, including one that declares pregnancies in the state begin two weeks before conception…

Life begins before sex has happened in AZ

health care for women

women pay MORE for health care, live longer and make LESS money but hey who cares?

war on women voting

kids learning about sex in school (sex education)

teacher gets fired for becoming pregnant

Girl Scouts?

hand holding, kissing and Gateway Sexual activities

married couples should abstain from sexual activities

don’t hold men accountable for their part in having sex and babies

when kids learn about sex and people abstain, unwanted pregnancies happen and abortions ensue… and poor people need government financial assistance… and they are against gay marriage so the GOP has got it ALL covered, no to everything including REALITY…

teenage sex statistics

The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world.

equal pay for working women

The (Romney) campaign also did not have an immediate answer to whether Romney supported the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the first piece of legislation signed by President Obama, which makes it easier for women to file pay-discrimination lawsuits. After the Obama campaign put out a statement from Ledbetter herself saying she was “shocked and disappointed” by the ambiguity…

just because these rich white guys with secret urges are afraid of their sexual feelings, they want to screw everyone else and make US pay and are wasting TAXPAYER’s money on ALL of these unnecessary bills and unwanted babies that are the direct result of their policies.

Maybe if they started having sex, they’d be happier, more forgiving, compassionate, have a heart, and LEAVE everyone else alone

Piff and his colleagues found that wealthier people are more likely to agree with statements that greed is justified, beneficial, and morally defensible. These attitudes ended up predicting participants’ likelihood of engaging in unethical behavior…

…Those who hold most of the power in this country, political and otherwise, tend to come from privileged backgrounds. If social class influences how much we care about others, then the most powerful among us may be the least likely to make decisions that help the needy and the poor. They may also be the most likely to engage in unethical behavior…

oh well, rich people lie, cheat, steal and have no compassion for others


doing what writers do

if you are ever stuck for an idea of what to write, do as other professionals do… we all have to get our muse on and sometimes we borrow, get inspired by others, and create from scratch and let the words flow… write on…

I would add to this list and say you can pray/meditate and ask for guidance / assistance as well as you can interview customers/clients. If you are writing about your business, decide the topic and then see who might be a good match to spread the good word about your business. I have MUCH more to say about this, give me a jingle and let’s chat about it.

Talk to friends, relatives as well as strangers including those you “know” on twitter and/or facebook, people have amazing stories that you can write about when you ask. Put the word out that you are looking for people to interview about a certain topic. And join a group, business and/or hobby, take a class, go to meetings, ride a bike, get a pet. The more people you know and the more interests you have, the more you get involved in life, the more you have to write about.

I could write 100 blogs about various topics (don’t have time) but I am interested in poetry, chocolate, books, movies, healthy food, health tips, animals besides the lovely dog I write my other blog about such as dolphins, peacocks, and sustainable living, eco friendly topics, alternative energy, homes, money, romantic travel, business travel, beaches and so much more.

Take a topic someone else wrote about and MAKE IT YOUR OWN.

S T R E T C H your horizons.   G R O W…

arouse your creativity…here are 201 ways

and/or hire a writer/editor to do the heavy lifting for you. Call me.