
Are you an author, CEO or entrepreneur with a book in mind, heart, soul or actually on paper and published?


Your book deserves to be published

Wanna Get Published?

Worldwide book sales total $14.2 Billion

Perhaps you are an Expert Dog Trainer, Candlemaker, Cook or Start-up Business Coach who wants to promote their business (product or service) and share your Recipes for Success.

Publishing a book brings authority, recognition and influence…. You are known as a recognized expert…

Have you got a half baked book manuscript hidden away in a drawer somewhere? Maybe you’ve left out an important ingredient, the sugar, spice or butter.

Someday you are going to complete the book.. you know the day between Sunday and Monday. You wonder why it never gets done. Somehow you never have time in your busy schedule. Imagine if you were baking a cake. You mixed up the dry ingredients in a bowl. Then the wet ingredients.  You mix all together and voila, it becomes dough. But you never put the mixture in the oven to bake. Or you only bake it for 20 minutes when it needs 45 minutes.  What’cha gonna do with a half baked cake or book?

If you want to see your book get published, John or Jane Dough, you need to put all the ingredients together in the bowl and bake it. Make completing the book a priority, create a plan, set aside some time every day or week or month (10 minutes a day or 1,000 words), bake the plan and the book. Learn some basic “baking” tips from an experienced baker (like a Cake Boss) who can assist you in completing writing and publishing a fully baked book!

CeliaSue Hecht is A Book Baker, international speaker, book guardian angel, editor and writing and publishing strategist.

Completing your book is easier than you think, with the right ingredients and tools and guidance every step of the way.

Where Are You At?


Got ideas for books but don’t know where to start? Working with a book coach can help you focus on a specific project. Procrastination takes many forms.

Let CeliaSue help you create a plan and start writing. You may want to take your idea all the way through to a complete manuscript or start the process, taking it a step at a time.

Work at your own pace and enjoy regular personal guidance from  CeliaSue.

Choose and take your idea and run with it. Just get in touch with CeliaSue.

Stuck in the middle

Maybe you are confused, life circumstances or incentive has changed or the essence of your message has gotten muddled along the way.

No worries. Get in touch with CeliaSue today and get unstuck and back on the road to writing.

Manuscript Done

Good deal! How do you feel ? Anxious, excited, ready to take on the world of publishing or ???  Would you like an expert opinion and advice about where to go next? We can discuss the options of agents and publishers, or publishing yourself.

Let’s Get your Book Published !

Get in touch with CeliaSue today!



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