Tag Archive | gay marriage

Creating jobs for women

Creating jobs for women and other strangers…

Job creators care so much about creating jobs …

that they’ve been hard at work, very busy pressing forward with their agenda of creating jobs for women that pay less than jobs for men… and


creating 1,100+ bills against birth control, abortion, contraception and women’s health care, as well as anti gay marriage…

The Republican Party, has long fought big government in favor of privatization, has turned to regulating women’s private parts and people’s sex lives…

and these bills of course have nothing to do with the economy and the taxpayers and money and the deficit and the GOP has nothing against women…the physical conservatives are very fiscal-minded you know…


so here are some of the jobs and business profits the Gray Old Pickles are creating…


l.  Peeping toms… since they now have all of these bans and laws in TN, KS, AZ and MS, to name a few states, of course, they must be hiring folks to peep into people’s bedrooms so that everyone can rest assured that no hanky panky illegal business is going on in there

2. Spies, similar to PT’s but these folks tattletale and out gay folks who run for office (such as judges)

3. Signmakers and Truck drivers to drive around town with photos of dead fetuses (do you think that they will also create signs of dead women who died from coat hanger abortions (see 4 below)…

(we could not make this stuffup if we tried)


4. Babymakers aka sluts, if you have to resort to coat hangers for abortions, Bubba the pro-lifer is ok with you dying… coat hanger producers are expected to reap big profits gearing up to help you with your demise



5. undertakers are on board

6. hiring pharmacists who will refuse to sell birth control to women


7. Psychics who can feel fetal pain and who know before a pregnancy begins are in huge demand in AZ and GA


8. Plus, folks to help you wile away the 72 hours before you can have an abortion are needed in Utah


9. Someone has to misinform women about abortion and tell teens to just abstain from sex, so a legion of Virgin Informers are being trained by Santorum as we speak


10. Prayer warriors to pray away the gay is a growing occupation, too

Michele Bachmann’s husband is taking applications

Just for fun…

2012 Grammy nominee Linda Chorney joins Venga and Seamus Romney to tell the true story of Seamus’s ride on the roof of Mitt’s car.


any other creative and interesting new jobs that the GOP are creating that you are applying for?

perhaps people to count the hidden millions/billions tax dollars they will not pay. They also need to hire humans to watch over their extra homes and cars or do they have robots for that? how about caretakers for their lobbyists? and lest we not forget the hordes of personnel protecting the moats of their castles, underground shelters and lunar planets, getaway islands to keep them from the unwashed middle-class poor peons?

GOP’s dirty little secrets

The GOP don’t hate women… they just do not like sex.  it should be called the GOP #waronsex

did God create sex and women? oh yeah, they are obsessed with other people’s sins, so much for casting out those boulders in your own eyes before casting stones at others, hmmm, maybe if they spent half the time, energy and money on their OWN sins but what the heck… the truth is much stranger than fiction…

“…when one compares sexual attitudes in the United States to sexual attitudes in Western Europe, it becomes evident that there is a strong correlation between social conservatism and higher rates of teen pregnancy, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases…”


the GOP are just plain anti-sex… check out the links below if you don’t believe me…

(and remember how the GOP got elected because they were going to create JOBS???)

Instead they created 944 proposals limiting women’s rights in 2012. a DOZEN A DAY.


What female voters have learned from the recent debacles over contraception coverage and Planned Parenthood’s funding is not just that Republicans have serious problems with female sexuality, but also that they don’t care if women have economically stable lives with affordable health care. We can make the leap from there to realizing they probably don’t care if we have good jobs, either.


the GOP oppose:

women’s rights


gay marriage


birth control



the GOP are all for the the sanctity of PRE-born human life but once the fetus becomes an actual person, well, that is another story altogether… they let babies and children and mothers starve, because once the fetus is BORN they have NO value nor rights nor sanctity????

Arizona lawmakers gave final passage to three anti-abortion bills Tuesday afternoon, including one that declares pregnancies in the state begin two weeks before conception…

Life begins before sex has happened in AZ


health care for women

women pay MORE for health care, live longer and make LESS money but hey who cares?


war on women voting


kids learning about sex in school (sex education)


teacher gets fired for becoming pregnant


Girl Scouts?


hand holding, kissing and Gateway Sexual activities


married couples should abstain from sexual activities

don’t hold men accountable for their part in having sex and babies




when kids learn about sex and people abstain, unwanted pregnancies happen and abortions ensue… and poor people need government financial assistance… and they are against gay marriage so the GOP has got it ALL covered, no to everything including REALITY…

teenage sex statistics

The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world.


equal pay for working women

The (Romney) campaign also did not have an immediate answer to whether Romney supported the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the first piece of legislation signed by President Obama, which makes it easier for women to file pay-discrimination lawsuits. After the Obama campaign put out a statement from Ledbetter herself saying she was “shocked and disappointed” by the ambiguity…


just because these rich white guys with secret urges are afraid of their sexual feelings, they want to screw everyone else and make US pay and are wasting TAXPAYER’s money on ALL of these unnecessary bills and unwanted babies that are the direct result of their policies.



Maybe if they started having sex, they’d be happier, more forgiving, compassionate, have a heart, and LEAVE everyone else alone

Piff and his colleagues found that wealthier people are more likely to agree with statements that greed is justified, beneficial, and morally defensible. These attitudes ended up predicting participants’ likelihood of engaging in unethical behavior…

…Those who hold most of the power in this country, political and otherwise, tend to come from privileged backgrounds. If social class influences how much we care about others, then the most powerful among us may be the least likely to make decisions that help the needy and the poor. They may also be the most likely to engage in unethical behavior…

oh well, rich people lie, cheat, steal and have no compassion for others


